When the new high elf armybook came out last year, I took my elves down from the attick and sorted them out and took some pictures: they covered the entire livingroom carpet...over 500 metal GW miniatures....maybe there is such a thing as to much mini's? Now all I need to do is settle on a simple paint scheme and arrange an early retirement to paint these models.....
Monday, 27 May 2013
progress on the Romans
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1st cohort |
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2nd cohort |
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3rd cohort |
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scorpio's and slingers in the background |
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veteran cohort |
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Gallic noble cavalry auxillia |
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veterans and gallic nobles undercoated and drybrushed |
Friday, 10 May 2013
Painting Romans
The last few months I've been painting caesarian romans. I plan to use them for both Warhammer Ancient Battles and Hail Ceasar, although I'll have to find some players for the last set first. the models are fro wargames factory. The quality is reasonable, but the models pale in comparison to Perry or GW plastics. luckily they are dirt cheap, with 48 legionaires coming in at about 25 euro's.
I've painted three cohorts, two small units of skirmishers (archers and slingers) and three scorpio's. on the to do list are two units of cavalry (Gallic and German Allies), one more normal cohort, a cohort of veterans and a small unit of auxillia infantry. As soon as I manage to get more pictures of of my IPhone, I'll post some closeups and the progress.
The infantry units are 18 man models strong, deployed in three ranks, which gives me a good number for WAB and the abillity to play Hail Caesar with either a slightly reduced frontage or in two ranks.
I've painted three cohorts, two small units of skirmishers (archers and slingers) and three scorpio's. on the to do list are two units of cavalry (Gallic and German Allies), one more normal cohort, a cohort of veterans and a small unit of auxillia infantry. As soon as I manage to get more pictures of of my IPhone, I'll post some closeups and the progress.
The infantry units are 18 man models strong, deployed in three ranks, which gives me a good number for WAB and the abillity to play Hail Caesar with either a slightly reduced frontage or in two ranks.
Monday, 8 April 2013
The Doom of Varantis Prime
defeat made me quite anxious about my upcoming fight against Peter, I’d lost
the first scenario against him so he could pick the scenario as well, but since
I managed to win the kill team battle I could force three of his units into
reserve, hopefully disrupting his heavy support.
I used the
patrol mission force as a base, adding a unit of immortals as troops, two tomb
spiders with accompanying scarab swarms (one of which had preferred enemy due
to surviving the patrol mission). A unit of destroyers and a sprinkling of
crypteks saw my overlords forces completed.
enlarged his platoon with more infantry and a lascannon squad. To support his
troops he selected a griffon and a manticore missile launcher. Some penal
troops and a sturdy defence line rounded out the force commanded by his chimera
mounted company commander.
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The guard deploy behind their aegislines in defence of Varantis Prime |
Peter chose
the Crusade mission, placing his two force field objectives well inside the perimeter
of his defence line. He gathered his forces within and around this defensive
position, leaving a few units (amongst which the infamous snipers from the
patrol) out to his left flank to distract my forces. I forced the Manticore,
the mortar squad and his company command in reserve, depriving him from a lot
of artillery blasts for the first few turns.
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Peter's deployment, with the bulk of his forces within the dfenceline near the arbitus precinct (black building) |
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the infamous snipers, hidden beneath a small walkway |
I placed my
in a long stretched line, with the swarms and tomb spiders taking the centre
and the destroyers out on my right flank. The plan was to send the scarabs
forward towards the defence line in an attempt to keep those units occupied
while my destroyers and a teleporting squad of immortals accompanied by my lord
would attempt a flanking manoeuvre through the ruins.
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My Thin Blue Line aka the Storm of Scarabs |
first turn saw some sporadic casualties, but most of my troops survived because
of the blinding artificial sunlight that one of my Crypteks cast across the
battlefield. My lord seised the opportunity to teleport his squad to peters
flank and clearly suffered from a distraction during phase out, and thus
lingered in reserve for another turn. My scarabs however were able to advance
on and assault peters knifewielding penal legionaires and wiped them out in a
single round, clearly benefitting from the experience of the earlier encounter with the humans stored in
their combat protocols.
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The game winning scarabs hide form return-fire after wiping out the penal legionaires |
The next
few turns Peter’s troops desperately loosed volley after volley in the
advancing necrons, but some spatial distortion obviously scrambled their aim,
as only one squad of warriors was seriously damaged, and many of his blastmarkers
scattering of target or failing to kill the metal Xenos. In the mean time my
destroyers scattered the few units opposite of them and advanced towards the
defence line, where whole swarms of scarabs had swarmed over the defences and
assaulted the defending guardsmen.
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Destroyers advance towards the aegis line |
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While the scarabs chew through the guardsmen the necron overlord and his immortals phase in again and advance |
In the
struggle to take the Aegis line my scarabs eventually proved victorious, after
which they swept over the remaining defenders reducing the Griffon heavy mortar
and manticore to shrapnel. Following the scarabs the destroyers and immortals
crossed the lines and wiped out the remaining defenders, leaving the Necrons advancing
victoriously to the centre of doomed capital...
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The victorious scarabs advance to destroy the imperial armour, hile the Lord duels with a guard lieutenant |
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Necrons converge on the last remaining guardsmen: the company commander and his orderly |
Peter’s friendly
army selection saw him try a more defensive army setup that clearly didn’t pay
off. His Hellhound flame tank and Marbo would
have been a far more valuable addition to his force than the lascannons and
snipers proved to be. That combined with the mistake of deploying the
penaltroopers in sight of the scarabs cost him dearly.
All that
remains now is to come up with a new mini campaign, perhaps an revenge assault
of the Imperium against the Necron Tombworld?
The Battle of Varantis Prime
The last few
weeks I played the final battle of the Death of Varantes mini-campaign twice.
Once as the imperial guard defender of Varantis and once as it’s Necron nemesis.
Both battles turned out to be a fun and fitting end of the mini campaigns and
have given me inspiration for a continuation of the story line.
My battle
as a guard player against Ron’s Necron hordes was an uphill struggle. I had
lost both skirmishes leading up to the big battle, so Ron had the advantage of
choosing the scenario and selecting the nature of any objectives in his own
deployment zone. I used the Valhallan guard army featured in a number of my
previous posts and build up around the patrol, fielded in the First mission.
Ron expanded his force’s with some wraiths, a large unit of immortals, some
scarabs and destroyers, all led by a Necron overlord joining the immortals.
The table
was nearly identical in both battles: a ;long road crossing the table marking
the edge of the city ruins, with some craters and defence lines in no-man’s-land
giving cover to the advancing alien menace.
Ron picked the Scouring scenario; giving the objectives a random value and making fast attack units
scoring. He got to deploy First, placing two of his troops on home objectives, selecting
one to be a force field(increased cover) and the other a targeting matrix(rerolls
to hit). His assault troops were gathered on his right flank were he could
easily reach the cover of the city edge.
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Ron's assault troops, a small unit of necron warriors and the scarabs are advancing beyond the building on the right |
I deployed
my units in the centre of the ruins, with most of my armour on the right flank,
as far away from the fast attacking, armour stripping scarabs and wraiths as
possible, and with their sights on the one remaining uncontested objective.
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My central defensive position, the large guard squad in front was eventually whitled down to only a few survivors |
The battle
began with Ron’s fast attack units advancing towards the objective(which turned
out to be another force field) on my left flank, guarded by an infantry squad
and a special weapon team equipped with a demo charge. Ron’s units advanced
into a withering hail of fire, but the surviving models managed to wipe out the
Imperial guard defender to a man, a single phasing necron wraith the sole
survivor of the battle.
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Ron's scarabs secure the objective after a succesfull assault, only to be vapourised by a democharge seconds later |
On the right
flank my armoured units, supported by a mortar squad managed to stall the Necrons
advancing towards the uncontested objective. The destroyers sallied forth to destroy
my armour, but failed to notice the five brave roughriders hiding in the
shadows of the arbitus precinct house, and where duly cut down by a glorious
cavalry charge (Ron really had forgotten about them because he couldn’t see them
from his side of the table).
Seeing his
assault falter and having the troops on his home objective come under heavy
fire from my armour and airunits decided to take the gamble and advance with
his immortals, but it was too few too late. The battle ended with the guard infantry
clinging to their objective’s, securing the city and forcing the lord to phase
out back to his Tomb...
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Ron's immortals advance for a last attempt to contest the central objective, while the guard armour secures the objective on the rightflank |
All in all
the battle went pretty much above expectations for me. In Ron’s defence it must
be said that he was suffering from one hell of a headache when he decided on
the scenario, and some mistakes in army selection (no transports) and objective
placement saw him fighting an uphill battle. Because his assaults came in
piecemeal I could defeat them one at a time and keep firing at his remaining troops.
Monday, 18 March 2013
The Death of Varantis Revised
weekend I replayed the First two scenario’s of my short campaign (see post
below). Only this time i played the Necron invaders and my good friend Peter
was gallant enough to offer his imperial guardsmen to stand in the path of the
For the first
mission, a 400point combat patrol, i took two squads of basic Necron warriors,
a swarm of scarabs (6 bases) and a Storm Cryptek as the commander. Peter
fielded a rather kind imperial guard list with 1 chimera, used by the platoon
command squad, two infantry squads of one which contained his commissar. Added to this he deployed a
mortar squad and a special weapon squad with sniper rifles.
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Necron deployment |
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Guard setup |
We set up the
battlefield similarly to last time, with Outpost 4-19 in the centre of a 4’by 4’
table. I got the first turn and advanced with my units, holding the scarabs
back to avoid having them blasted form the field by the instant-killing
multilaser and autocannons. Because dawn had not yet arrived the human infantry
was partly cloaked in darkness, and only a few of my robots managed to score a
kill. The gauss fire did manage to shave a hullpoint of the command chimera
that was advancing slowly up the centre of the table.
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The first and last advance of the Cryptk and his guards, maybe if I finish painting them the dice will be nicer to me... |
Next it was
Peter’s turn to open fire. Using the faint traces of the emerging dawn one of
the snipers took aim at a Necron carrying a large glowing staff, and accurately
put a bolt right in one of it’s glowing eye sockets, causing it to fase out immediately
(exit stage left for the Cryptek...He’ll be Back...). Subsequently lasgun and
heavy weapon fire poured into the unit of Necron warriors that had been guarding
the Cryptek. Mortar fire rained down from the skies, and after that torrent of
fire only two remained standing. Only to see five of their fallen brethren rise
again due to rather efficient reanimation protocols.
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The alien menace reanimates! |
Duting the
following turns I advanced with my units firing a withering hail of fire into
his infantry units and wrecking his chimera with gauss fire. The Scarabs
meanwhile crept up the left flank, ready to pounce on the Commissar and his
loyal guardsmen. The Platoon commander emerged from the wreckage of the chimera
with his flamer bearing retinue, who doused the offending Necrons in
promethium. Unfortunately for the brave guardsmen (can you see where my heart
lies?) only two of Necrons were destroyed by the fire. The following fase saw
my scarabs plunge into combat with the commissar and the platoon command squad
die in a hail of gauss fire.
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the last brave moments of the platoon command |
the remaining units of Peter’s guard were trying to secure his right flank by firing
everything they had at the oncoming Necrons. Three of which continued to
advance and clash with the mortar squad. Some rather abysmal dice rolling on
peter’s side saw the combat between the two units drawn out over several turns,
with the snipers joining in the fray and even an remnant of a infantry squad joining
in. Eventually the mob of guardsmen took down the last Necron, clearing
their table quarter just as I killed the
commissar and his bodyguard. That had us both at 4 VP (a table quarter each, First
Blood for Peter thanks to the deadly sniper fire and a Linebreaker VP for me).
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Scarabs swarming the commisar |
The dice
gave us one more turn of shooting, but that failed to cause any meaning full
casualties. We were about to call it a draw when we realised that Peters
snipers were just a few inches away form claiming another table half, and a
full turn of movement saw his loyal sharpshooters turn it into a solid guard
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The Game winning snipers advancing cautiously into unknown territory |
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