Yesterday I
played a game of 40k against my friend Peter. I played with my recently
finished Valhallans and Peter took his nicely painted cadians along (my pictures don't do them right, sorry Peter). It turned out we had
brought rather similar lists, but with variety to make things interesting. I
fielded the list mentioned in my previous post. Peter fielded the following units
(mostly determined by what he could fit in his transport bags; we both really
should get a driver’s license and a car):
-Primaris Psyker
(using Biomancy)
stormtroopers, one unit with plasmaguns and one with meltaguns
-Marbo’s Penal
-PCS with
flamers in a Chimera
-4 infantry
squads with grenade launchers and assorted lascannon/missilelaunchers
-Heavy weapon
squad with autocannons and a missile launcher
-Penal legionaires
veterans in a Chimera
-Scout sentinel
with autocannon
To save
time I’d arranged the table beforehand, shifting terrain pieces until we were
both satisfied with the setup. The table was diagonally split in half by a
road, with some ruins along side of it. One short side had some fortifications
and a bunker(building AV14) near it, the other a large dilapidated arbutus precinct
(building, AV12). My photography skills turned out to be less than stellar, so unfortunately
there’re but a few.
We rolled
The Scouring, with a diagonal setup. As it turned out I had the 1 and 4 point
objectives in my deployment zone, with peter both 3’s and the 2point objectives
ending up in no-man’s land.
Peter reserved
his vendetta, stormtroopers, penal legionaires and sentinel, I left the
roughriders and valkyrie with melta veterans in reserve.
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Peter's setup (please ignore the Vendetta in the corner) |
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My setup |